A TriBute
SmurF bLoged oN Tuesday, January 25, 2005

thEre are So maNy thIngs thaT i aM thaNkfuL for
...My friEnds...
...My faMiLy...
But AbOve aLL of This
(sya kaSe gawa heaDer ko so aBoVe aLL of THis..hehe)
I am thankFuL for HavIng a siSter Like
yOu knOW wHy???
caUSe she is
mY frienD
My famILy
mY LiFe

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- BehiND iT aLL
SmurF bLoged oN Monday, January 24, 2005

ExaMs aRe oVEr
BuT the WorSe haS yEt to ComE
aS we ChecK oUR paPerS
I caN't HeLp buT thInk
...oH whaT a CruEL cruEL woRLd...
SettiNG thIs aSiDe
Bounce Roll Bounce Roll Bounce Roll Bounce
weLL hOpEfuLLy aLL thE sTreSs thaT i goT frOm thE exaMs
WiLL evenTuaLLy Go awaY...saNa

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- BLoggErS bewArE
SmurF bLoged oN Monday, January 17, 2005

WarNing to ALL taLentEd bLoggErS LikE me:(nYak)
ThEre is a haCkEr on The LoSe
(taMa ba, ewaN baSta yoU gEt mY poInT)
ThE cuLpriT shaLL be noW knOW as
thE haCkEr LefT thiS maSsaGe:
waHahahaHaAA!!! i hacKed IntO youR acCouNT!!!!
jOkE lang... ate CoRnY in the Haus... yuCk AnG joLogs...
maY iPoposT lang Ako:

ingaT! mIsHU!
wahahaha....TnX na RiN
MaPaLiTan Nga aNg paSswoRd

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- coRniesT joKE of The cenTurY
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, January 15, 2005

Clapping Hands
saBi ko kaY aTe "dePreSSed akO"
saBi nYA "aKo nga rIn eh, dePindot"

Thumbs Down

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- depRessEd
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, January 14, 2005

i doNt knoW whY...
juSt Like feeLing so
iT hurTs naMan taLaga diba
if u SeE ur cruSh wiTh soMEonE
Dolled Up
Em sow CowRny
mEh ged
dErz meNy pePoL owT der
de rYt perSuN por Me iS amOnG deM
seRtsiNg wUd taYk a wHiLe
But de ouTcoMe wuD beh sweT
maS corNy na Naman
haY naKu
wiTh a wiPEr
aNd aLL the oTher stUff tHat coMEs afTEr it

anG LabO nnG mGa smiLeYs....ewAn ba KUng baKet mGa itO LaGay ko
...go fiGure mE ouT...

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- 10 reAsonS wHy i Love my BarKada
SmurF bLoged oN Monday, January 10, 2005

this does not meaN to caUSe anyone paiN or haRm
...nyaK ang corNy noH...
baSta bato baTo sa Langit matataMaaN wag magagaLit
Star 9
  1. cauSe thEy givE greAt adviCeS, theY undErstaNd me
  2. kAsE they keEp no secRets frOm mE and neIthEr do i to THem
  3. kse we aGree on eVerythiNg, weLL at leaSt the majoRity...voTe lng tin Yun majority na
  4. kaSe theY makE me feEL speciAL, waLang pLastIkan
  5. kasE theY r wiTh me, wethEr it b in my ups or dowNs
  6. caUse they loVe me for ME and noT becaUse of whAt i caN do for Them
  7. because they can put up with my being a crazy perSon
  8. kaSe theY nEvEr preSsuRe me inTo doIng thiNgs thaT i don'T waNt to do
  9. kASe afTer aLL theSe yeaRs eh thEy haVE proVen to mE that thEy are TruLy whaT u coUld caLL friEnds
  10. becaUse i Love thEm anD thaT's that;


no buts


no whys

Question Mark

no quesTionS aSkeD

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- mY aDDicTion
SmurF bLoged oN Sunday, January 09, 2005

I LoVe wiWi thE ooH so MuCh
AnD aLso The coLor BLue

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- One GreaT moVie

Mohawk Weepy

bEen ReaLeaSed For a Long Time
buT juSt waTchEd it noW
aN aBsoLute musT sEe moViE
So FuNNy aT nakakaIyaK Pa
aNg BaEt Ni aDaM saNdLer
imaGinE haVing to maKe UR LovE oNE faLL in LoVe wIth u eacH anD eVErytiME yoU waKe uP
noW thaT's a ReaL sweEt gUy

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- haYYyy saLamaT....
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, January 08, 2005


Are you Addicted to the Internet?



Average@Internet-User.com (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

NorMAL pa AkO sa LaGay na ITo

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- TriP ko Lng


FeeL na FeeL

thIs pHoto was TaKEn duRing

ouR aDopt a ChiLd thiNg aT sChOOL

NunG waLa kaME maGawa We tOoK piCs na Lng

It waS vEry tIriNg but we got TO speNd soME timE toGEtHEr so haPy rin sYa

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- MaTagaL TaGaL na Rin...

It's beeN Like
moNthS siNcE i LaSt PoSTed SomeThing HErE
...SenSya na...
MARamiNg naNgyaRi eh
...La LnG...
ProMIse to pUT at LEaSt
sOmethiNg onCe a WeeK
I Promise

------------------------------------ -------------------------------------