no buts
no whys
no quesTionS aSkeD
I LoVe wiWi thE ooH so MuCh
AnD aLso The coLor BLue
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
bEen ReaLeaSed For a Long Time
buT juSt waTchEd it noW
aN aBsoLute musT sEe moViE
So FuNNy aT nakakaIyaK Pa
aNg BaEt Ni aDaM saNdLer
imaGinE haVing to maKe UR LovE oNE faLL in LoVe wIth u eacH anD eVErytiME yoU waKe uP
noW thaT's a ReaL sweEt gUy
The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me! |
FeeL na FeeL
thIs pHoto was TaKEn duRing
ouR aDopt a ChiLd thiNg aT sChOOL
NunG waLa kaME maGawa We tOoK piCs na Lng
It waS vEry tIriNg but we got TO speNd soME timE toGEtHEr so haPy rin sYa