You are a weird dream
What kind of dream are you?
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A nightmare! The fear of most people. You know
perfectly what people are afraid of, and make
them experience their darkest fears when they
are asleep. You are strong, and its hard to
escape from you. But when you finally let go of
a person, the person will feel a lot happier
than before falling asleep.
What kind of a dream are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
My Owen Na naKa pOSe
YuMMy noH???
oWen aS haNseL in zoOLanDer
ThiS is mY faVoriTe kse
KaHit na He pLaYs aN aiRhEaD moDeL
Eh he StiLL LooKs cuTe
OweN aS, LadIeS maN, huTcH in StarSKy aNd huTcH
ofcoUrse i'M hiS onLy LaDy
oWeN aS ,baNdiT, rOy iN shaNghai NooN
iN reaL LiFe hIs vErY niCe naMan eh
OweN aS ,oNCe aGain, roY in shaNghai kNighTs
SheMMMMmmm aNG gwaPo
oWeN aS keviN in MeeT thE paRenTs
gOtta LoVe thaT noSe
OweN aS GaRY iN aNacoNDa
diDn'T evEn noTice thEre waS a sNake
mY eyEs weR oN hiM
OweN aS LukE in The haUntiNg
SaD...caUSe he diEd in thiS fLicK
MorbiDLy i muSt saY
Hay....weN u faLL in LoVe nGa naMan TaLaga
ButterfLieS in The stoMacH
whiLe fLoaTiNg in cLOud #9