Nng LiderShiP
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, April 30, 2005

LaSt i doNt knOw uLit
bSta pUmuNta kaMi
sa PasiG
For The aNnuaL
spceA LeaDerShip SemInar
(yEs i aM iMportaNce na...hehehehhe)
haD a reaLLy greaT tiMe
soBrang bitiN nGa eH
hEre are The piCs
kaUnti LnG buT hoPe u Like iT
Best Friends
New foUnd frIeNds...
aLa aKo piCs NNg iba Eh

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JoaI aNd cyRiL
mGa kacLoSe Ko NNg LiderShiP
kaSama sa KabaLiwaN

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waLang maGawa
kinuHa pHone ko aT naGpikchUr taKing
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aYaw nguMitI
ewaN ko Kng baKit
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waLa na
naMan magaWa

isa pNg kaSaMa sa kabaLiwaN
no piC aKo sa kaNya kaYa kuHa ko freNdster
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maLaKi kaSi noo ko
kaYa yN Lng naGkasya
Bouncing Hearts Bouncing Heart Bouncing Hearts Bouncing Heart Bouncing Hearts
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SkuLmaTe JamEs anD Me
saD daw Kunwari
sharLeen tooK thEse Pics...tnX
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SkuLmaTe jaMEs aND Me
HaPpy taLaga
hawaKan kaMi hanDs dyaN
to preVnet tHE oTher frOm makinG suNgaY
Peace Group
La Lng
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Mga paWikaNs reStiNg(nNg raCe thiNg)
NooD oTher tEaMs
ResT nG reSt eH
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JaMes aNd coRneLio
maY iba aKong kinukuHaaN
Yng naKawhiTe sa maLayo
Wink Blings Wink Blings Wink
tHis iS iT
HiGhLighTs NuNg traiNing
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carLu waLkiNg
Heart Eyes
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carLu LaugHiNg
Blow Kiss
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CarLu sLeepiNg
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CarLu sLeePing (cLose Up)
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CarLu naGisiNg
Heart Glasses
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CarLu poSing
Love Drops
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CarLu poSing x2
Be Mine
aNg gwaPo..........
sayaNg bitiN!!!!

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- triP to thaiLand
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, April 15, 2005

LasT....ewaN ko...bSta nOon reCentLy Lng we WenT to
ThaiLand..baKit???...waLa Lng triP Lng naMin
hehehehehe twaS a faMiLy thiNg
It waS reaLLy fuN buT sobRanG bitiN
wiSH we coULd haVe staYed LongEr
PEro gaNUn eh
weLL eto piCs naMin...waLa LaNg ipaPaNgaS ko LNg
hehehehehe joKe
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Eto aKo wiD mY moM aNd soMeoNe paSsiNg bY
aS usuaL tumaTawa na naMan me For No reaSoN
mGa baLiw nGa naMan taLaga Oh

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MoM, me, tiTa fe, aNd naNaY
aNd sOMe foreIgnerS na guSTo paepaL
Us buYing sOmethiNg
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we were SuPpoSed to be prayiNg
But siNce we diDnT knOw waT wE were doIng
we juSt stoOd der aNd staRed aT thE buDdha
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GoLdeN buddHa
aNd cuTE buDDha
(aKo uN)
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cuTE eH
sO gaYa ko
paKiaLam mo
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dad, me, nanaY, moM, tiTa Fe
riNGiNG beLLs
i haD a haRd tiME tryiNg to ring thoSe(hehehe)
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pOse Lng
waLa LNg
triP Lng
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daD boUght me the caP
eH triP ko riN naMan
so poSe aWay naMan ME
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waLa kaMi maGawa daD ko
so naKiaLam kaMi sa mGa goOds nuNg guY
waLa Lng taLaga
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2Nd hirIt Lng
LubuSLubuSin na naMin
cuTe naMAn dba
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gaNda Ng vieW
kSe meroN aK0
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reMoviNg shOEs
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mE prayiNg
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daOmiNg seeeeeeeeeeeee
waLA me maiSip captioN
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feEL na feEL ko anG aKing pagiGing toURist
waLa Lng
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feEL na feEL ko paGigiNg toUriSt
pati caP aT shaDes ko
feeL na feEL ko
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waLa Lng
boRed uLit
niCe view eH(syemPrE)
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pweDe naNg paNg moDeL
saBi ko
so waG kokonTra
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gusto Lng naMin ma piC yNg moNk

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