myStery entrY....reVeaLed
SmurF bLoged oN Wednesday, May 25, 2005

LaSt weeK
froM maY 16 to 20
i enroLed iN a cooKing cLass
aT cCa maniLa
wiD the coUrse
weStern cuiSines
aNd thEse are ouR producTs
hoPe u Like iT...
oW i noW u wiLL
warniNg: imaGEs maY seeM reaLLy truLy deePLy deLicioUS thaT u maY havE the suDdeN urgE to eaT, befoRe viEwiNg thE imaGes go geT fuD na...hehehehehehe
FIRST DAY- VietnaMese aNd Thai
(mISsed the fiRst daY so i wenT to aSiaN muNa)

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PhO bO
in FaiRness auThentic
LaSaNg pHo hoa

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FriEd spRiNg roLLs
piNagtripaN naMin ynG paGka garniSh
kaYa ish sHo coLorfuL

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VieTnaMese CrePe
deM aNg hiraP
i douBT i'LL be abLe to do ThaT

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MaShEd pOtatO wiD chiLi coN caRne
thoSe wer SuPPosed to bE seperaTEd diShes
buT we raN ouT of PLaTes

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CeaSaR'S saLad
pre maDe pa aNg sauCe
buT senSya haTe veGs

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Mini QuiCHe
My faVE
i diD iT on mY oWn...wId the heLp of The cheF paLa

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BoEF BouRguiGnoN
TaSTe LiKE wiNE aND aLcoHoL
buT stiLL....yuMMy

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ChoCoLaTe mooSe

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ChiCKeN wIth creaM saUce
thiS waS thE bEsT
maY noT LooK thaT gooD buT iT waS vEry yuMMy

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ChicKen CroquEttEs
eaSY to maKe
aND vEry TaStY

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i LoVE seaFooD
sO i reaLLy LiKEd thiS

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GarLic MushroOms
i cooKed thiS,iT shrunK
buT it stiLL taSted goOd

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HarD to maKE
buT highLy fuLLfiLLinG wen doNE

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BraZo de MerceDes

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SpaGhetti w/ PeSto
eL pEsTo

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OsSo BucCo aLa MiLaNEse
aLso taStes LiKE aLcoHoL aNd wiNE
buT again...stiLL yuMmy

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chicKEn w/ smokEd baCon anD chEeSe stuffiNg
mY oTher faVe...diD iT wiD chEf
i eVeN acciDentaLLy punctuRed my haNd w/ the bbQ sticK
thaT's iT
okaY meroN pa

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My gwaPo na kLasmeYt
who waS eVEn my ka groUp

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groUp pic
thE cheF aT the baCk
Student aSsistaNts aT the LeFt side
anD aLL oF uS juSt thEre oH
dun..dun.. aT duN
The End

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- mysTery enTry
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, May 20, 2005

oKay i haVent been uPdatiNg For thE paSt few daYs
guiLty as aLwaYs
beeN reaLLy reaLLy
as in reaLLy
tirEd eH
pinapaGaLitaN na nga mE te ja
dahiL sa kakatuLog eH
waLa na daw aKonG ginawa kuNg di uN
d kaYa
mEron kaYa
sweaR it'S worth tHe wait
i'm workiNg on a nEw poSt
na wiLL anSwer why i haVent had a recent post
na im suRe
eVeryoNe wiLL enjoi
Wakka Wakka
kahiT na d nyO aKo cgURo maSyaDo kiLaLa
we'LL geT aLOng juSt righT
caUSe of The enTry i'LL be poSting sooN
no...d eto FunnY
I'm Serious
pEro maeenJoi nYo
donT worry
dadaLiaN ko na para d kaYo maSyado ma bitiN
paSenSya uLit
aNd waTch oUt ha
coMing to theaTers neaR u
it haS sumthiNg
to do
wid the LaSt smiLey before thiS cLUe
pEro i haVent menTioned iT in thIs post its noT abouT a moVie
Question Mark

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- mEh geHD aNg daMe
SmurF bLoged oN Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sana i aPpreciaTe nYo iTo
aND daMe eH
So baSahiN nyO pLs
para woRth iT naMAn paGoD ko
Y 0 U
[ .01. ] first name: JoaNa CarA
[ .02. ] middle name: SiNGsoN
[ .03. ] last name: mEdina
[ .04. ] nickname(s): SmuRf, jC, jo, wawa
[ .05. ] gender: FeMaLe...i thiNk...LoL..Sure
[ .06. ] birthday: aUguSt 12, 1989
[ .07. ] height: uhhh...doEs iT maTter??? coNfiDentiaL eH
[ .08. ] hair color: bLack wiTh a toUCh oF browN wHen tHE suN toUChes iT
[ .09. ] eye color: darK browN
[ .010. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: noPe...pErfeCt viSion...LoL
[ .011. ] do you have braces: yUp
[ .012. ] is your hair long or short: seMi soRta kiNDa Long na maY paGkashoRt
[ .013. ] where were you born: aT a hoSpitaL...hehehe....caN't reMeMber weHere eH
[ .014. ] current location: reaLLy caNt reMemBEr
[ .015. ] zodiac sign: LeO...roAr
[ .016. ] how many languages do you know: 2 ThaT i caN speaK wiTh fLuenTLy...a LittLe oF 3 oThers
[ .017. ] what laungage do you want to learn: FreNcH
[ .018. ] bad habits: disseCtiNg mY foOd...ReaDing whiLe eaTinG...sweariNg
[ .019. ] piercing you have: eaRs
[ .020. ] piercing you want: beLLy anD nose
[ .021. ] tattoos you have: noNE
[ .023. ] today: iS a greaT daY...LoL...i donT knOw
[ .024. ] today's date: the 14th of maY
[ .025. ] the time: 10:51 aM
[ .026. ] ready for a bunch more questions: waT if i saY no??? waT haPPenS....LoL...

F A M i L Y
[ .027. ] mother's name: Eva MariE
[ .028. ] father's name: FerDinaNd
[ .029. ] brother's name: JuaN carLo
[ .030. ] sister's name: JaNIna caRinE
[ .031. ] favorite aunt: reD aUnT...tsaKa fIre auNt...LoL...NonE i LoVe theM equaLLy
[ .032. ] favorite uncle: My riGHt unCLe...thE oNE weaR my unCLet oN...LoL...equaLLy riN
[ .033. ] favorite grandparent: LoVe thEm aLL
[ .036. ] worst relative: aTe ja
[ .037. ] best relative: aTE ja
[ .038. ] do you get along with your parents: iT maY seeM LikE i dO
[ .039. ] does anyone in your family understand you?: OpchOrse

[ .040. ] do you have any pets: YuP
[ .041. ] what are their names: SaM..PLanNiNg to buY a chuwawa naMed tiNkerbeLL..aLa parIS hiLtoN
[ .042. ] what kind of animals are they: doGS
S C H 0 0 L
[ .043. ] are you still in school: sadLy...yEs
[ .044. ] did you drop out: No...i droPped iN...LoL
[ .045. ] current gpa: uGgghhh....kakahIya...reSpecTabLe naMan
[ .046. ] favorite grade: yNg maTaaS na GraDe...LoL...i haD greaT memORies in aLL oF thEm eH
[ .047. ] least favorite grade: aLa riN
[ .048. ] favorite teacher: mR paZ
[ .049. ] least favorite teacher: Mr paZ
[ .050. ] favorite subject: DraftIng...LoL...biO tsaka coMp
[ .051. ] least favorite subject: draFtiNg...LoL...aLgeB...bsta maY nuMbErs
[ .052. ] do/did you buy lunch or bring it: i eaT aT hoMe
[ .053. ] play any sports on the school's team: mY haND aNd eyE cOOrdinaTion stiNks
[ .054. ] do/did you do any extracurricular activities: yuP...iT maKEs goiNG to schoOL mORe coLorfuL
[ .055. ] are/was you popular: i duNnO
[ .056. ] favorite dance: tiniKLiNg...ewaN kaHit aNo
[ .057. ] favorite memory: the oNEs i spent hangiNg ouT wiD my freNds...daMi nuN eH
[ .058. ] favorite memory you want to have: graDuatiNg wiD hoNors....
[ .059. ] least favorite memory: thE onEs i sPEnt wiD oUt my freNds
[ .060. ] most humiliating moment: noNe...tha's Part oF LyF eH...nothiNg wroNg

F A V 0 R i T E S
[ .061. ] number: 5...tHE onLy nuMber i can meMorize itS muLtipLicatIOn taBLe aSide froM O...LoL
[ .062. ] letter: J
[ .063. ] shoes: mY baSs ruBber shOEs...waNna atLeaSt owN one paiR of coNverSe buT none fitS
[ .064. ] saying(s): reaCh For tHE staRs..bUt keeP uR feet oN the groUnd
[ .065. ] TV show: Csi,eVer!
[ .066. ] sport: iS eaTing a spoRt???
[ .067. ] vegetable: meaT LoVer!!!!
[ .068. ] fruit: juicY fruIt...LoL...maNgoEs
[ .069. ] movie: ramI eH
[ .070. ] magazine: none...bSta maY Like aKO na articLe in anY magaziNe i reaD iT
[ .071. ] actor: OweN wiLsoN
[ .072. ] actress: aLicia SiLVerStoNe
[ .073. ] candy: dYnamiTe oranGe fLavoRed
[ .074. ] gum: any
[ .075. ] scent: TommY na TruE staR
[ .076. ] candy bar: tiMe out
[ .077. ] ice cream flavor: vaNiLLa...roCky roaD
[ .078. ] color: bLue
[ .079. ] season: wiNter..aLa dto so raiNY na LnG
[ .080. ] holiday: xmaS
[ .081. ] band: aLa
[ .082. ] singer: aLa rin
[ .083. ] group: aLa
[ .084. ] rapper: aLa p rIn
[ .085. ] type of music: aNy bSta maY sEnSe aNg LyriCs
[ .086. ] thing in your room: mY huGe wiNNie thE pooH stuFf toY
[ .087. ] place to be: hoME
[ .089. ] tv channel: kaHit aNo
[ .090. ] junk food: kahIt anO
[ .091. ] overall food: cALi maKi
[ .092. ] store: nationaL...tsaka waTsoNs...
[ .093. ] hangout: kahiT saaN
[ .094. ] fast food: piZza huT
[ .095. ] restaurant: aLa...i Like tryiNg oUt new pLaceS eH
[ .096. ] shape: circLe
[ .097. ] time of day: midNighT
[ .098. ] country: aNywer buT here...LoL...phiLippInes
[ .099. ] state: of miNd...LoL...caLifornia
[ .100. ] boys name: Sir oRiK...LoL...havenT giveN it mucH thought
[ .101. ] girls name: moRe so
[ .102. ] mall: pOdiUm...those mirroR LikE piLLaRS there maKE u Look thiNer anD taLLer eH
[ .103. ] video game: aLL eSpeciaLLy scary oNEs...siLenT hiLL
[ .104. ] shampoo: heaD aND shoulders..kNEes and toEs
[ .105. ] board game: miLLonaiRes gaMe...pLayEd iT by mySELf kaNina...hraP paLa...LoL
[ .106. ] computer game: SiMs
[ .107. ] car: mG
[ .108. ] music video: sasaKyaN kiTa...LoL aLa eh
[ .109. ] swear word: paKcYet
[ .110. ] word: whiCheBer, waTevEr, 'LuL, seMi sorTa kiNda, di nga, fuNny yaN?
[ .111. ] month: auGuSt my bday moNth
[ .112. ] cartoon character: wiNnie thE poOh
[ .113. ] scary movie: sCaRy moVie
[ .114. ] team: aNy teaM....bLue teAm..LoL
[ .115. ] possession: Red aNd bLue..mY cPs...aNg my coMp

[ .116. ] eminem: meLts in ur moutH noT in uR haNDs...LoL
[ .117. ] dog: tinKerbeLL
[ .118. ] hot: paRis hiLtoN...LoL
[ .119. ] britney spear: sPeaR briTneY
[ .120. ] nsync: uhh...spEaR nSync?
[ .121. ] real world: mikE myerS
[ .122. ] orange: mika
[ .123. ] choice: ThaT's LyF
[ .124. ] fuck: YEaH...LoL
[ .125. ] bisexual: errr
[ .126. ] black: me...LoL
[ .127. ] icq: yM
[ .128. ] insane clown posse: duNNo
[ .129. ] linkin park: aLa Lng
[ .130. ] jack: aNd jiLL
[ .131. ] rainbow: LepreChauNs
[ .133. ] cucumber: waLa Lng
[ .134. ] shark: taLe
[ .135. ] lifehouse: startiNg oVer
[ .136. ] bat: hehehe cLaSsmaTe ko
[ .137. ] leather: coW
[ .138. ] whip: creaM
[ .139. ] america: thE braDy buNCh
[ .140. ] water: breaK foR 30 seConds nNg cAt
[ .141. ] volcano: booM
[ .142. ] rock or rap: raP
[ .143. ] rock or pop: pOp
[ .144. ] rock or r&b: uYy nakakaSawa na aH
[ .145. ] rock or metal: wOW
[ .146. ] rap or pop: aNG
[ .147. ] rap or r&b: daMi
[ .148. ] rap or metal: taLaga
[ .149. ] pop or r&b: niTo
[ .150. ] pop or metal: aH
[ .151. ] r&b or metal: haD enoUgh????
[ .152. ] linkin park or limp bizkit: neiTHer...too LoUd
[ .153. ] tool or korn: koRn duNno toOL eH
[ .154. ] selena or jennifer lopez: seLena
[ .155. ] hot or cold: hoT
[ .156. ] winter or summer: wiNTer
[.157. ] spring or fall: faLL
[ .158. ] shakira or britney: shaKira..nO need to thiNk
[ .159. ] icp or eminem: EminEm
[.160. ] marilyn manson or rob zombie: mariLyn maNson
[ .161. ] kittie or garbage: gaRbaGe
[ .162. ] mtv or vh1: myX...LoL
[ .163. ] buffy or angel: buFfy
[ .164. ] dawson's creek or gilmore girls: daWson's creeK
[ .165. ] football or basketball: waLa
[ .166. ] summer olympics or winter olympics: wiNter...
[ .167. ] skiing or snowboarding: sNowboardiNg
[ .168. ] rollerblading or skateboarding: roLLerbLadiNg
[ .169. ] black or white: whiTe...bLack...white...bLacK....duNNo
[ .170. ] orange or red: oranGe
[ .171. ] yellow or green: greEn
[ .172. ] purple or pink: piNk
[ .173. ] slipknot or mudvayne: huH?
[ .174. ] hot topic or pac sun: HoT toPiC
[ .175. ] inside or outside: inSide
[ .176. ] weed or alcohol: noNE
[ .177. ] cell phone or pager: ceLLpHone...duH
[ .178. ] pen or pencil: pEnciL...pEopLe maKE miStakEs aND there's nothiNg wroNg wid thaT
[ .179. ] powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: charlie's angels
[ .180. ] scooby doo or dino: scooBy
[ .181. ] dragon ball z or pokemon: poKEmoN???
[ .182. ] star wars or star trek: noNE...ayaW
[ .183. ] tattoos or piercings: pierCinGs
[ .184. ] prep or punk: puNk
[ .185. ] slut or whore: hahahaa

P R i V A T E L i F E
[ .186. ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: noNE...
[ .187. ] do you have a crush: ofCourSe
[.188. ] do you love anyone right now: mY faMiLy aND freNDs..doEs thaT coUnt??? seriSouSLy...confuSed
[ .189. ] have you ever been in love: noT toTaLLy
[ .190. ] how many people have you liked: aHH....aLoT
[ .191. ] who was your first crush: i can'T reMembEr eH
[ .192. ] how many hearts of have you broken: none thaT i kNow oF
[ .193. ] how many people broke your heart: it'S eaSier to mEnd a broKEn heaRt than to mEnd a broKEn soUL...waIT LaYo sagoT ko aH...uHhhh...bSta
[ .194. ] best quote to sum up love: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return...LoL
[ .195. ] so what is your bf/gf/crush like: nice...syempRe
[ .196. ] do you have a picture of him/her: aNg biLis biLis kumuHa sa freNdsTer
[ .197. ] please post it if you do: aSa k pa
[.198. ] do you have a picture of yourself: is vaniTy a Sin???
[ .199. ] please post it if you do: anG daMi na mAsyaDo d2
[ .200. ] do you go by looks or personality: perSonaLiTy
[ .201. ] ever kiss a friend: no
[ .202. ] are you still friends: no nga Eh
[ .203. ] so moving you smoke: i'm smoKin i doNt aND i doNt pLan To
[ .204. ] do you smoke weed: no
[ .205. ] ever trip on acid: no
[ .206. ] how about a little x: no
[ .207. ] crack, heroin, anything else: no...kuLit
[ .208. ] beer good or beer bad: depenDs
[ .209. ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: No
[ .210. ] do you like smirnoff ice: no
[ .211. ] prefer beer or liquor: dePEnds on thE mood
[ .212. ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: no nga Eh
[ .213. ] have you ever drank Hpnotiq: no
[ .214. ] if yes, when was the last time you got some: aLa

W 0 U L D Y 0 U EVER..
[ .215. ] bungee jump: yes
[ .216. ] sky dive: yes
[ .217. ] swim with dolphins: yes
[ .218. ] scuba dive: yes
[ .219. ] go rock climbing: yes
[ .220. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: neVEr
[ .221. ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no waY
[ .222. ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: hehehe yeS...kiDding no
[ .223. ] cross-dress: no
[ .224. ] lie to the police: No
[ .225. ] run from the police: nO
[ .226. ] lie to your parents: yeS
[ .227. ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: daRe mE??
[ .228. ] be an exotic dancer: hahaha...whY noT
[ .229. ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: No
[ .230. ] streak: no

Y 0 U R F R I E N D S
[ .231. ] best friends: Lex, kaT, tin,jeSs
[ .232. ] known longest: kaT aTa...i thiNk
[ .233. ] wish you talked to more: aLL of TheM
[ .234. ] wish you saw more: JESSICA...baRry...LoL
[ .235. ] how many friends do you think you have: too maNy...LoL
[ .236. ] who drives you insane after a while: Leica anD maUi hahahaa
[ .237. ] who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: siLa LahaT
[ .238. ] ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': No
[ .239. ] craziest: tie between tin tin and jess
[ .240. ] loudest: tiN
[ .241. ] shyest: kaT??? uhh waLa paLa hahaha ni kwa joKKo...hahahaha
[ .242. ] best hair: aKo...hahahaha
[ .243. ] can always make you laugh: aYen
[ .244. ] best eyes: si aDing apriL
[ .243. ] best body: eLdon...hahahaha
[ .246. ] most athletic: ewaN ko
[ .247. ] sex symbol: MYKA CADAOAS
[ .248. ] hot tempered: aKo...
[ .249. ] most impatient: kaT soBra
[ .250. ] shortest: aKo...haPPy kaT???
[ .251. ] tallest: i duNno
[ .252. ] talented: Tin...hahahahaha
[ .253. ] best singer: aYEn anD juNi
[ .254. ] skinniest: aLex
[ .255. ] nicest: kaT...soBra
[ .256. ] best personality: jEss
[ .257. ] biggest drug user: noNe thaT i kNow oF

[ .258. ] flashed someone: No
[ .259. ] told a person how you felt bout them: soRt oF
[ .260. ] been to michigan: nO
[ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: no
[ .263. ] skateboarded: yuP sa haWs LanG kahiya kNg sa LabaS bka maDapa p aKo
[ .264. ] skinny dipped: No
[ .265. ] stolen anything: uhhh..nothIng biG
[ .266. ] wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: yuP
[ .267. ] kicked someone's ass: hahahha yEs
[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: aLa namaN snoW d2 eH
[ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: no
[ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged:No
[ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: nio
[ .273. ] gone on a road trip: yEs
[ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: yEs...sort oF
[ .275. ] been to a concert: yEs
[ .276. ] been to another country: yEs
[ .277. ] talked back to an adult: yEs...hahahaha
[ .278. ] got pulled over: duNno hoW to drIve...wuDnt b abLe to reach tHE gaS pedaL rin nmAn eH
[ .279. ] got in a car accident: no...i hoPE noT
[ .280. ] broke a law: yes...i thiNk
[ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: yEs
[ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: hahahaha triEd....
[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: yes
[ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: no
[ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: no
[ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: no

0 P I N I 0 N S
[ .287. ] what do you think...about pop music: poPpiN...LoL...ok Lng
[ .288. ] about boy bands: so oVer rated
[ .289. ] about flag burning: unDignified
[ .290. ] of the war on terrorists: sniFF....
[ .291. ] about suicide: giviNg up aNd LosinG hoPe
[ .292. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: biTches aNd baStaRds...LoL...oK Lng bSta maY seNSe
[ .293. ] about abortion: dePriviNg an innocEnt being oF LiFe
[ .294. ] about rock/metal music: ok Lng
[ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: sum wer eLse
[ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: mY baRkada...aLng iwaNan

W H A T D I D Y 0 0 H D 0
[ .297. ] last birthday: weNt swiMMing wiD my kLaSmeytS
[ .298. ] yesterday: SLeeP, triP, eaT, coMp, PLaY piaNo, kuLit my aTE
[ .299. ] last weekend: shOppinG
[ .300. ] christmas: opEn giFts...hang ouT wid my famiLy
[ .301. ] thanksgiving: eaT
[ .302. ] new year's: jumP my heaRt oUt
[ .303. ] halloween: ceLebraTE aTe'S bdaY
[ .304. ] easter: aLa
[ .305. ] valentine's day: aLa riN

[ .306. ] thing you ate: sauSaGe aND riCe
[ .307. ] thing you drank: waTah
[ .308. ] thing you wore: red shoRts anD shiRt
[ .309. ] place you went: pLaza M
[ .310. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: my eaRs
[ .311. ] person you saw: aTe
[ .312. ] person you kissed: aTe
[ .313. ] person you fxcked: aLa
[ .314. ] person you talked to: aTE
[ .315. ] song you heard: geT me
[ .316. ] what are you eating: waLa...diEt
[ .317. ] what are you drinking: waTer
[ .318. ] what are you wearing: shoRts aND shirT
[ .319. ] any shoes on: noNe...sLipperS
[ .320. ] hat: aLa
[ .321. ] listening to: mY coMp thinking
[ .322. ] talking to anyone: no
[ .323. ] are you pissed i made this so long: noT reaLLy aS if naMan masasaMPaL kita dba

Y or N
[ .324. ] are you a vegetarian: N
[ .325. ] do you like cows: not reaLLy
[ .326. ] are you a bxtch: i thiNk not
[ .327. ] are you artistic: in my owN waYs
[ .328. ] do you write poetry: no
[ .329. ] are you a fast runner: no
[ .330. ] can you ski: noPe
[ .331. ] are you british: i wiSh
[ .332. ] do you want to spear britney: yEss
[ .333. ] do the voices talk to you: every freaKin tym...LoL
[ .334. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: YEs aND a maKeoVEr too
[ .335. ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: wHy noT
[ .336. ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland: soBRa
[ .337. ] are you straight: yup
[ .338. ] are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: moSt LikeLy....yEs
[ .339. ] are you nice: i thiNk so...buT sum tyMs i doNt thinK eH
[ .340. ] are you naughty: kuLit yEs...naughtY aS in "noWty" no
[ .341. ] are you short: Yes i aDmit iT
[ .342. ] are you tall: no
[ .343. ] do you own a hot pink shirt: yuP
[ .344. ] how about orange pants: Noooooooo
[ .345. ] can you see the flying monkeys: in mY dreaMs
[ .346. ] are you evil : ewaN ko Lng
[ .347. ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: no
[ .348. ] is britney a whore: yEss
[ .349. ] are you a teenage zombie: i thiNk noT
[ .350. ] am i annoying you?: yEss soBra
[ .351. ] do you like marilyn manson: befoRe
[ .352. ] are you secretly from another planet: secretLy yEs....
[ .353. ] did you ever touch someone else's private parts: No
[ .354. ] this is over are you happy now hahah: noT reaLLy goT anYmoRe????

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- La LNg...third yR moMents
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, May 13, 2005

raNdoM piCs....aLa Lng trip ko Lng i poSt
Su paY...hahahahha

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------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- bLacK aNd whiTe piCs
SmurF bLoged oN Wednesday, May 11, 2005

i LoVe BLaCk AnD WhItE PiCtuRes...
coz uL neVer KnoW
WhaT The PeOpLe really feeL...
there's ALways That SeNSe of
HiDdEn MeaniNgS...
HeRe are my coLLection of BlaCk and WhiTe PicTures
and my InterPretation of their HidDen MeaningS...
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"PaRe, MuKha Na Ba aKo Lalake?"

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"PaNo ko SasabiHin kay inay na May aLmoRanaS ako?"

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"PaNo ko sasabihin sa nanay ni Barry na Ako un ALmoranas niya?"

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"magkaNo na kaya utanG ko sa FuD hauS?"

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"Hahahaha! ang BahO ng Utot ko! HahahaHa!"

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"sino NagSabing Mas cUte ako Kay RiChArd GuTTieRez?!"
"Pwes, tamA siYa..."

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"Sino NagsaBi na Mas Gwapo ako Kay RicHard GuTTieRez?!"
BangAG ka Ba???"

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"gets Mo?!"

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"Di aKo biTTer!"

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"di Po aKo NagNakaW!"
"di po Ako puMatay!"
"di po aKo naNgRape!"
"di po AkO NaLiGo!"
"di Po Ako NagTootHbRusH!"

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"niNaKaw mo Mga BuNgA ng ManggA ko!!!!"
"o So? iM Late, BabUSHki!"

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- My thOugHts

i've beeN thiNkin
(wHoa thaT's new me thinkiN)
it maY seeM insaNe
Or stuPid

bkiT kaya d aKO updaTE reGuLarLy noH
How taMad naMan aKo
neXt tyM
i'M thiNkin oF waT to poSt eH
kaYa Lng nothiNg briLianT
seeMs to siNk in to thIS thicK skuLL of miNe
so Let me thiNk thinK thiNk

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- i LoVe thiS surVeY
SmurF bLoged oN Thursday, May 05, 2005


TamaNg taMa aNg surBei

What stupid celebrity are you destined to kill? by daydreamer8852
You killed
With a
OnMay 18, 2018
Quiz created with MemeGen!

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- you wiLL be reMemBered...
SmurF bLoged oN Sunday, May 01, 2005

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a LovINg friEnd, a cariNg kLasmeYt, a gooD persOn
joRdaN yOu wiLL be reMemBered foReVer

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