ThiNgS i do whEn i'M boRed
SmurF bLoged oN Sunday, June 26, 2005

if youR bored aNd you kNow it
cLap ur Feet
stoMp stoMp
beinG bored iS the moSt coMmon emoTion thaT onE caN feeL
next to
beinG haPpy
beinG saD
beiNg angRy
beiNg aNNoyed
beiNg guiLty
iT's noT the moSt coMMon
buT it is oNE of thEm
here aRe the thinGs i do wheN i'M bored

1. ReaD a boOk
i aM cuRrentLy re reaDing

HaRry poTTer anD the chaMber of SecreTs
HaRry's SecoND yr aT hoGwaRts
aND a moNster froM the chambEr
iS threateniNg to geT rid of aLL muGgLes aT hogwaRts
maTes daTes aNd sLeeP oVer secReTs
Tj(thereSe joaNne)
haviNg a miSeraBLe skuL yr
aFter her beStfrieNd LeFt 4 anoTher counTry
thaT iS untiL shE meeTs her neW friends
LucY, neSta anD iZzie
puGad baboY 6
the fuNNya antiCs of the reSidenTs of puGad baboY
mY faVE: broSia

2. WaTch Tv
My aLL timE faVe shOWs to waTCh weN boreD

invEstigatioNs on
crimEs coMiTTed in LaS veGas
SimpLE LiFe 2
The miSaDventures oF
pariS hiLton anD nicoLe riChie
weN theY wenT on a roAd triP
a comEdic view on the Lives
oF 6 friEnds
Queer eYe
5 gaY meN
ouT to straighTEn the LiveS
of straighT meN aLL ovEr the worLd
The SimPsons
a hiLarioUs cartooNs
On waT seeMs to be a normaL famiLy
Csi neWyorK
invEstigatioNs on
crimEs coMiTTed in ...guEss Mo nga

3. WaTch moviEs
The moviEs i waNT to waTch buT haVEnt haD the timE to go see theM

a Lot Like LoVe
mr. & mrs. SmiTh
haWs oF waX

4. maG compuTer
eithEr the pS or the pC
surfiNg the nET
pLayiNg warCraFt
chaT chaT

5. HaVE piCture takiNg
medYo marami rin ito
beaR wid me
Me tryiNg ouT my nEw caP

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Me tryIng ouT my new ShaDes

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Me haviNg piC takiNg wen i waS supPosed to be aSLeep na

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Me makiNg pa cuTe(datiN....joKezZ)

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i reaLLy reaLLy Love wiNNie the PooH
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DaD on the oTHer haNd LoVes piGLet...LoL...
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aNg mayOr nG vgaN.....tuLoG
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aNg mayoR ng vgaN...nagiSing...nabaLiw
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weLL uN Lng
The eNd

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- praktiS ng initiatioN
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, June 25, 2005

maY praktiS kanina
4 iniTiatioN
eto picS

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kakainiS nga Lng
kSe nakauniForm cbS
aNg iniT inIt

Tas oH
pic ni eLdon
guSto b naMang maki piC kaT
perO d ko pinaYagaN
kaYa soLo na Lng jEp

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aFter nuN
jEss, tin aT iriS d2 haWs
(waLa kaT maY sakiT
kSe inaapi naMin sya earLier)
piCs oH

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aNsaya saYa ng daY
kaYa Lng nakakaPagod
pEro ish ok
un Lng

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ...TakAS...
SmurF bLoged oN Thursday, June 23, 2005

Wer in skuL
at this exaCt very moMEnt
coMputer SubjEcT, inTerneT sessIon
i'M LikE uH kinDa boRed
kSe i aLways uSe thE inTErnEt na aT hoME
DsL pa
So waTs the poinT dba???
aLa LnG
triP ko LnG maGuPdate
para MaSaya

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- For The saKe of uPdatinG....para MaSaYa dba???
SmurF bLoged oN Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I aM no Longer aLone
iN my worriEs oF LooKing Like DarLa
(thouGh i donT LooK LikE her aH)
mY feLLow aNtzz mEmberS
haVE deciDed to shaRe
mY paiNs on thiS thoUghT
JeSs LooKs Like

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Fish wiTh the LiGHt

Yng purPLe cLipS

THaT she usEs oFteN

rePreSents the Light

KaT LooKs Like

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I donT knoW the namE

YEs i kNOw cuTE yNg fiSh

pero aaNga anGa Sya eH

kSe she thougHt shE haD a twiN

reFLection Lng nYa pLa

so my poinT is

aanGa anGa rin kaT

hehehe jokE Lng

tIn LooKs Like

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thiS bLowfiSh

uYY d aKo Lng naGsabi aH pati si aTe cinDy


weLL un Lng

aSa pa

waLa na

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- awaN maaraMid ko x2
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, June 18, 2005

i was waTchiNg fiNding neMo kaNina

aNg i feLt bad uLit

kuYa carLo teaSes me kSe

he saiD thaT i LooK LikE darLa

in the saiD moVie

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d naMan aH


hai naKu


You Are 30% Normal

(Occasionally Normal)

You sure do march to your own beat...

But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all

You think on a totally different wavelength

And it's often a chore to get people to understand you

How Normal Are You?

The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to do more for you.
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.
You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be methodical in your ways - with trouble adapting to the rules of society.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends.

Who's the True You?

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