kinopy ko Lng kaY LaLa
SmurF bLoged oN Wednesday, August 10, 2005


top 2 things found in your bag:
* bruSh *ReD aNd bLue(my phonEs)
Hair BrushCell Phone

top 2 films Id watch over and over again:
* a knighT'S taLe * mouLin rouGue
Knight Belly Dancer

top 2 songs I can listen to again and again:
* whiTehouSes (vaNessa carLton)* brokeN roaD(raScaL fLatts)
House 2 Stumble
top 2 books I read from cover to cover:
* aLL HarrY poTTer bOOks...hehehehe *mates daTes serieS
Star 18 Mate
top 2 reasons to watch television:
*checK out hoT guyS....nyoX * for EntertaiNment...paMpaLipaS oraS
Hey Sexy TV 2
top 2 places I'd want to visit 10 yrs. from now:
*spCis * My friEnds' houSes
Studying Haunted House
top 2 great men you've encountered:
* My daD * My broTher
Son & Father
top 2 obsessions:
* the coLor bLue * oWen wiLson
Blue Owen
top 2 favorite cartoon characters:
*wiNNie the poOh * maX (goofy'S soN)
winnie the pooh
Custom Smiley
Custom Smiley

top 2 favorite girls name:
* JoaNa * Cara....hehehehe
Custom Smiley
Custom Smiley

top 2 favorite guys name:
* OweN * errr.....isaaC....uHHh.....orLando na Lng
Custom Smiley
Custom Smiley

top 2 favorite foods:
*CaLifornia Maki * SteaK(outbaCk styLe)
Sushi Steak House
top 2 favorite snacks:
*buY the buCket coMbo three in eaStwooD * cheEse poPcorN in TheatreMaLL
top 2 favorite website:
*googLe....for reSearcH *liquidgeneration....for trip
Computer Smash
top 2 favorite places:
* aNywere unDer the staRs * in froNt of my coMp
Star Techy
top 2 things u want to do:
*bungee juMp froM the top of the aiffel toWer * scuba divinG in the river niLe(???)
Bungy Jump Scuba Diving
top 2 goals you want to accomplish:
*be a forenSic sCientiS * marry oWen wiLson aT the aGe of 25
Groom Bride
top 2 favorite colors:
* bLue *whiTe

Egg Painting

the eNd

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- dreaM dreaM dreaM
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, August 05, 2005

i haD the beSt dreaM juSt the other niGht
iT waS romaNtic in an inSane sort of waY
mahaba sya eH
Falling Asleep

we were haviNg maSs
tapoS i waS so not mapakaLi
so i started to daNce
eh i didnT notice
sister waS behiNd me paLa
Cover Up
eH di weN i saW her i stopPed na
perO i waS stiLL noT mapakaLi
so i starTed cLappIng my haNds
infront theN behind me
aNd theN weN i was abouT to cLap agaiN
i acciDentaLy poked sisTer wid a ruLer
(you mighT be wonderinG:
"waT the heLL is she doiNg with a ruLer duriNg a maSs???"
dreaM po ito....waLang pakiaLamaN)

theY were serviNg diNNer
the pLates wer prepared na oN the taBLes
Chicken Wings
with prePared meaLs
eh sa tabLe niLa maureeN maY space and food pa
so i went to sit there
but as i waS abouT to reaCh their tabLe
She graBed the chicKen thaT waS suppoSed to be miNe
so i got mad at her and said
"ibaLik mo yaN....manoK ko yan!!!"
she answereD
"eH di ibaLik!"
aNd u knoW whaT she did
she gave bacK the chickeN
bait noH
oNe straNd nga Lng ng chickeN

intraMs ata uN
eH we were watchiNg the voLLeybaLL gaMe
i saW thaT ezekieL(coDe naMe) aNd hiS gaNg wer staring aT us
theN suddeNLy two caMe up to uS aNd said
"babY wanTs to taLk to u"
babY referriNg to ezekieL
eH i refuSed
i waS shy kse eH
so thiS cauSed a kaguLuhaN
everyoNe got into it
aNd somebody shouted
thaT the onLy waY to fiX thiS
is to haVe a pLatooN driLL(???)

so we went to our poSitioNs na 4 the driLL
Army Woman GI Army Woman Army Woman GI
i staYed beside kaT
eH i didnT notice
saGr(coDe naMe)
waS the one beside her paLa
so pinagmove ko sya
eH sagr aNd i got into a converstioN
we wer making sutiL one anoTher
he staRted to twisT mY arm
theN he aSked
"masakit na ba???"
i answered
"di aH, kaya ko pa yaN"
Heart Shell
eH haLos magsugaT
sugaT na haNd ko dahiL duN
perO ok Lng namaN sa aKin
so becauSe of thaT twisting arm thing
we got into a converSation
aNd we taLked the nighT awaY

weN i woke uP
i waS tryiNg to finD aNY marKs on my armS
goodNess....aSa pa
but stiLL
it waS the
beSt dream eVer
Dream Big Achieve Your Dreams Dare To Dream

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