try thiS
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, October 01, 2005

trY thiS
wiShy wisHy

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- a reveLatioN

1o tyPes of peopLe i haTe the mosT
1. UserS...preteNdinG theY LikE suMone juSt to geT somethiNg out of it
2. PLaStiCs...acTs like theY like yoU weN they actuaLLy doNt
3. SipsiP...sucKs up to everyoNe, juSt to geT crediT out of it
4. bacKstabberS...a frieNd, whO huRts you, a thiNg you never thoughT couLd happEn
5. paranoiDs...criNges ovEr anythiNg, even itty bitty thingS
6. AnnoyiNg... conStantLy bugs you
7. feeLing...sumoNE who thiNks toO highLy of thEirseLves
8. uSeLess... not thaT i haTe theM thaT much, but caNt you do anythinG abouT it?
9. no nice weN theY need sumthiNg, theN when they finaLLy get it, a SimPLe thaNks is aLreaDy out of the piCture
10. PapaNsins... if ur onE of these anD i donT maKe paNsin u, theN donT trY anYmore, get a LiFe
waLa Lng
i feeL so haPPy yeT confuSed aT the same tiME eH
hmm....muSt be the mOoN...

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- oW mEn

oW meN

ish trUe




Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

The World's Shortest Personality Test

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