aNg goBLetaS ng apOY
SmurF bLoged oN Sunday, November 27, 2005

juSt waTchEd harrY poTter kahapOn
dami kuLang
the effecTs wer nice aNd aLL perO sobraNg daming kuLang
1. uNang una pa Lng
youLL see voLdemoRt talKing wid two meN
eH sa booK dapaT si wormtaiL Lng
so naturaLLy
sa eNding
kuLang kuLang explanatioNS
aS compaRed sa boOk
2. No durSLeys in the OpeniNg
paraNg guD thiNg aYt?
pEro in the booK aLiw kSe uNg
paGsunDo ng weaSLeys kaY harrY sa privEt driVe
they traveLed by fLOo powdEr
kaya Lng bLockEd uNg fiRe pLace
kaya imagine 4 weaSLeYs(ata)
stucKed sa fire pLace
3.waLang veeLa
aS in waLa
ni imenSyon maN lng na part veeLa fLeur aLa
4. biLL and charLie
haNggaNg ngauN d pa pinakita
5. wiNky aNd doBBy
kawawa namAn winKy
baka d na mapakita ever sa biG screen
6. priCe moNey of harry for wiNning the
3wizaRd cuP
w/c he was suPposed to giVe to fred anD geoRge
wonDer na Lng kung paNu siLa kabiZneZ sa 6
taS marami paNg maLi maLi
1. parvati patiL's sisTer paDma
is froM ravEncLaw
pEro derS one sceNe na
shE cOmes ouT froM the gryFindor doRmitoRieS
2. the hermioNe loVe Love articLe
was suPposed to be wriTten after the 2nd taSk
para tuLoi sinusuNod nman na nYa mga
sinuLat rita skeeter
dami daming di ko naguStuhaN
but ovEraLL
the moVie was fuNNy
the efFects wer amaZing
gaLing gaLing na actiNg ni danieL
the movie was
ok Lng

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- reMemberiNg
SmurF bLoged oN Friday, November 25, 2005

pagaWa me kSe kaY joKko heaDer
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(LaLagaY ko priNster...neXt tym....tinataMad aKo)
eH naaLaLa ko mga ginawa aTe para Sa aKin
so waLa Lng

eTo gawa ni nicaniX

haI sana gawaN nYo po uLit aKo

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- yeaH
SmurF bLoged oN Thursday, November 24, 2005

taKas duRing ouR coMp sesSion
haPpy na tLaga aKo
update updaTe
kaSaLi me sa faShioN shoW paRa sa senTenYaL cLusiNg
kaSama ko kaT
miKo aNg bit ko, jenkinS, papa geraRd aT si cachaPero
aT marami paNg iba
wed Lng praKtiS
pero aNg Late Late ko umuuwi
kse patraiNing sa aspiraNts
kaHit na aSst LiaSon aKo
whicH haS someThing to do wiTh tyM tyM ng traiNinG
eH LaGi aKo LaTe
hndi na aKo maSyaDong addicT sa cOmp
d na maSyaDo
perO addicT parin
nakakatuLog naMan na aKo wid ouT touChing the pc
deSperaDo na aKong mapaNood uNg haRRy poTTer
sana maKaratiNg na d2
maY daTe pa kaMi ni barry aT jep eH
miSs ko na mga kLasmeYts ko aNtipoLo
LaLo na foSter siS ko na si haNna
aT aNg ex cruSH ko na si raMon carLo goNzaLes
aYan aH
umamin na
paSt na kSe eH
timE to moVe oN
i reaLLy miSs aTe janiNa na
soBraNg cLose na kaSe kmi nuNg andito sya VgaN
i waS reaLLy doiNg aLL i couLd para d na sya maSad nUn sa bdaY moNth nya
eH ngaUn aLa na probLem
aLL i wanT is to speNd tiMe wid my aTe
juSt LaughiNg aNd haviNg fuN
aNd maKing chismiS aNd okraY of oTher peoPLe
currentLy cruShing oN a 2nd year studenT na maGaLing maGkemboT kemBot
kaya Lng pinaGaagawaN namin jeSs
gaLit aKo sa mga taong laGing gaLit sa umaga
LaLo na si...
yeaH bsta
alaM ng sLr yaN
kaSe naMan noH
Lagi na Lng simaNgot
hiraP pLa buhai ng sociO cuLturaL chairmaN
dmi ginagawa
Low budyeT na aKo
aS in zero baLance
zerO mOney na aKo
penGe naMaN oH
i LoVe kaT, jeSs aNd tin tLaga
frieNds tLagaNg maSasabi
for the paSt few daYs i reaLLy aPpreciaTe deM
kaSe nakikiniG siLa
un Lng
updaTe me uLit next tyM

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- kuNg kelan nalimutaN na
SmurF bLoged oN Monday, November 21, 2005

pak SyiT
kung keLan na get oVEr ko na
kung keLan na reaLize koNg hindi na tlaga
kung keLan ayaW ko na
tska babalik sa pictuRe
para sakTan lng paLa uLi aKo
today waS an ok daY
nothiNg great haPpened
thaT's aLL thaNk you
bwisit na buhaiiii
guLo guLo

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- haPpy haPpy na aKo
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, November 19, 2005

hai saLamaT
aT phase Lng pLa uN sa buhaY ko
LaSt weeK kSe, tueSdaY
aNg saD saD ko
aS in soBra
ewaN ko kuNg bakiT
cguRo dahiL d naGtxt si .....
cguRo dahiL miSs ko na siNa haNna sa anTipoLo
cguRo dahiL paGod na ako sa dami damiNg ginagaWa
cguRo dahiL na riN
sa paGbaba nG ekonoMiya
aT patuLoi na paGtaaS ng crime raTe sa baNsa
oR baka na rin
dahiL sa mga soLdierS na naSa war
or uNg mga bataNg waLang makain
SaD ako laSt week
foR no particuLar reaSon
LunCh nga ng tue eH umiiyaK ako
d ko aLam kuNg bakit
naiirita na nGa sina iriS at baRee
dahiL pauLit uLit koNg sinasabi na
"i feeL soooo....empteee"
bsta gaNun
taS nuNg wed
naG abSent aKo
sakit uLo
tsaka maY fevEr
taS paGdating ko ba namaN skuL
kaLat na kaYa daw aKo abSent
dahiL brokEn heaRted
paKing pakinG naMan oH
dahiL Lng duN
pero kuNg tutuuSin
cguRo nga....may namimiSs aKo eH
ngayuN haPee na aKo
sari sariNg haPpy neWs na aNg dumatiNg eH
nakaaBot pariN aKo sa hoNor roLL
bareLy thouGh
perO atLeaSt dba
nakakainiS nga Lng kSe staT ko bumaba ng 5 ptS
pak syit
naLamaN ko na poSisyOn ko CaT
oK na riN
AssiTant S5
cadette major na aKo
OK na sana poSiSyon kaya Lng maY isaNg down faLL
waG na
sakin na Lng uN
So uN
naguN saNe namaN na aKo
i swear updaTe na uLit aKo reguLarLy
bagoNg buhai
un Lng

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Sa AntipoLo
SmurF bLoged oN Saturday, November 12, 2005

1st daY (sundaY)
i waS kind of hesitant to go
first of aLL
wiLL be miSsing a weeKs practiSe of cheeriNg
wiLL be miSsing a Lot of SchoOLworK
(unahin b daW intraMs)
but a part of me reaLLy did waNt to go
becauSe i didnT waNt to see the resuLts of my exaMs
aNd anothEr was thaT i wiLL be abLe to see haNNa agaiN
aNd in additioN get to meet new frieNds
oN the morning oF thaT faiThfuL sundaY
i did mY bEst to waKe up earLy
that i maY noT miss tHe buS
once der i deciDed to siT besiDe mRs roB
for oNe thiNg
kuLang na kuLang tuLog ko
aNd knoW d maguLo si maaM
onCe we were neariNg maniLa
(badtriP Low baTT two pHones...kakalisten tunes and text kay.....secreT)
we were aLL a LittLe worried that theY
(referriNg to kLasmeyTs aNd other famiLy memberS)
wouLd noT weLcome uS weLL
so thiNgs like
"uwi na taU"
"auKo na"
"aNo ba tong sinaLihaN natiN"
wer ruNNing through ouR minD
but once there
seeiNg the reaSsuring faCe of sr. ceciLia
ouR hesitatioNs soon vanished
On the triP to antiPoLo
Lady Luck seeMed to be maD aT us
muntiK na kami nasiraaN
so we haD to stoP for a whiLe in the gaS statioN
tnx meN
aFter thaT ms. paLumpa
(antipoLo teacHer)
transferred to our ride to acompany uS
as we were enteriNg the gates of oLps
i saW haNNa
napaSigaW aKo Ng
"ayaN na siLa"
den i noTiced it waS onLy hanNa's face thaT seemed famiLiar
napaSigaW uLit aKo
"waiT...bagaLan nyO po....baka maY gwaPo"
taLk abouT boy huntinG
once we got tHere
i waS nervouS....duNno why
hanna introduced me to her kLasmeYts
couLdnt reaLLy Look them in the eyes
nahihiya aKo eH
so uN
we wenT to masS
whiLE hanna's klaSmeyTS waited for uS
taLk abouT embaraSsing
weN we were abouT to go to haNna's
i waS kind of worryiNg aS to hoW i waS goNna carry my stuFF
(1 maLeta, a backpaCk, my everLovabLe boDy bag, aNd aNg siraNg paper baG)
buti na Lng haNNa's klaSmeytS wer gentLemen
so no worries anymoRe
2nd worrY that caMe into minD
waS how coULd arouNd 20 peoPLe get to haNna's pLace w/o a riDe
as we were waiTing for a jeeP
haNNa deciDed to riDe sa FX na Lng
whiLe otherS jeeP
either waY
haLos magkaSunoD Lng kmi
theN haNna said thaT
we needed to ride tricycLe pa to geT to their haWs
aSk kuNg maLayo
d namaN maSyaDo
so said thaT we wouLd juSt waLk na Lng
pero she waS worryiNg na i'd geT tired
SaiD SanaY naMan aKo LakaD eH
so oK Lng
so Un
para kamiNg isaNg proSesyOn sa dami
onCe we goT there
goT to meet
tinaLunaN aKo
hanna's doG
tHen tita ruffina
aNd LiL bro ivaN
aNd opchorSe
After having meryendaJamming ng kauntiThen one of them decides to go to ynaresOnce der my shopaholic instinct was beginning to kick inGood thing I was able to controL iT
if noT moneYLess in antipOLo na sana aKo
whiLe we were chooSing whicH to riDe
it begaN to raiN
despite the coLd raiN aNd waTEr
mY heaRt was waRming uP my whoLe boDy
as i saW hoW muCh effort my newLy known klasmeYts
were goiNg throuGh just to keeP me under the shade
hoW baeT
oNe even went to the extenT
to inviTe me to their place to waiT tiLL the rain stopS
tired and wet
we decided to Go home na
late na rin eH
as i laid on my bed
i cant heLp but thiNk of wat a weeK it wiLL be
firSt daY pa Lng overwheLming na weLcome
how much more for the next days to come
i didnt get mucH of a sleeP that nighT
too nervous, too excited

2nd day(mondaY)
it was quite an oK daY
medYo nahihiya pa aKo eH
met ms makabangOn, our adviser
the students of oLps prepared a weLcome proGram
but due to the bad weather
theY had to canceL it
weLL it reaLLy didnt matter that much
weLcome na weLcome na nga aNg feeLing Ko eh
either way they introduced us to every classroom
wheww....hiraP ngumiti
after thaT
baLik uLit sa cLassroOm
had cLass wid theM
tiMe reaLLy did seeM faSt
paraNg firSt subject pa Lng eH tapOs na aGad
aftEr thaT
we went homE
haNna introduced me to soMe of her neighborS
i deciDed to sLeep earLy na
paGod na aKo nuN eh
3rd day(tuesdaY)
ganun rin klaSe klase
sobraNg saya
kLasmeYts were so kweLa and nakakaaLiw
they never faiL to make me LauGh
except na Lng nuNg maY mga naGcorny jokes
...waG na aKo maGmention names...
baka mapahiya pa
(cLue: si O, F at R)
aT oNe of their subjectS
pinaG impreSsionS aKo
naiyaK na aKo
aNu b yuN
impreSsions pa Lng eh
naiyaK na aKo
hoW mucH more dun sa aaLis na tLaga eH noH
reaD on to find out
we had the welcome program na rin
they prepared dances and a song numbers
after which
we wenT to watch a baND practice
theY were reaLLy gooD
kahiT na sbi niLang dpa uNg beSt niLa
amazed tlaga aKo
ayaN aH
maY faN na kau sa VgaN
4th day(WedneSdaY)
(sa naGbabaSa niTo: by this time sana d ka pa noboboRe aH
guSto ko lng tlaga ikwento lahat)
on the last day that i would be having with my new klasmeyts
they prepared a short prograM
their boiS did this macho danCe thing
aNd a charmiNg lady sang for me
ms makabangon said some words rin
and when it was my turn to give mine
d ako umiyak
humaguLguL lng
pero atLeaSt d umiyaK dba
sa gabi
we went to ynares again
this time rain free
so twice more fun than my first visit der
haii saya saya
5th day(thursday)
it was our fieLdtriP
kuLitan sa van
we wenT to daranak
it was reaLLy peaCefuL there
saiD to b the shootiNg plaCe for encantadia
after that we went to megamall
shopping shopping
pero we decided to watch a moVie na Lng
after which we went to the arcade
theN to starbackS
went swimmiNg
thEn we sleP over a schooLmaTes haWs
aLam ko d paraNg maSaya paGkwento ko
pero it actuaLLy reaLLy was
soBra pa nga eH
d ko lng ma explain ng mabuti kaSe
6th day(fridaY)
for our laSt daY
we went to angoNo
went to museuMs
were the paintings were absolutelY breaTh takiNg
theN wenT to the caVe
people of Long lOng ago were believed to carved on
it was also great
but getting there was a littLe tiring
then we headeD to eaSt ridGe
for the fareweLL
haNna anD companioNs
saNg for uS
and once again, di ako umiyak
humagulgul lng uLit
it was a sad niGht
but is certainly unforgetable
7th day(saturday)
nagextend p eH noH
just as we were nearing oLps
haNna seeS some of her klaSmeytS
they invite me to go to PUP
d namaN ako makatanggi
so sumama aKo
hanna on the other haNd
stayed to get soMe sleep and study for her exaMs
i understaNd
bait ko tlga
after going there
kung saan saaN na kami nakarating
watchEd moviE ulit
theN went to a klasmEytS haWs
tsk tsk
ginutoM aKo
haNNa waS wid us na by this tym
umiyaK na uLit aKo
duNno why
but memorizes of the past days
just came floodiNg back into memoRy
and tearS just burst out
juSt comEs to show
i reaLLy enjoyed my stay there
ang swiMMing
d pa duN nagtatapoS aNg kwento
just recently
nov 4
planned to go swimMing
wenT with my ate
it waS reaLLy greaT to see moSt of theM again
tnx sa invite
weLL un lng
some part may meaN nothing to some
and to others the whole thing may mean nothing at all
but to me
they meant a lot of things
these are the memories of
my antipolo family
my antipolo klasmeyts
my antipolo teachers
my antipolo friends
theSe are the memories i will cherish forever

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- octobEr updaTe
SmurF bLoged oN Monday, November 07, 2005


hai dami dami naNgyari
puRos LahaT haPpy aNd LearNed aLot tLaga


examS uLit
d na aKo aaSa pa

onCe agaiN
i waS givEn a chaNCe
to takE part in thE exchaNge student pRograM
antipoLo naman ngauN
piCs na lng muna
gagaWa ako ng SeperaTe poSt niTo eH
so dami to maKe kwenTo

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haNNa anD me

my fosTer siS
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ExchanGe studEnt kiDs
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SaD saD sad.....kuNo
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soME of my kLaSmeyTs in antipoLo
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exchaNge kiDs in anGono
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yEaH mEn


2nd lng kmE
ok na rin
ovEraLL naman
we diD our beSt na rin
piCs oH
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aKo kupaL.....hehehehehe


aTe ja ceLebraTed hEr debuT

saya saya

piCs aSa sa kanya pa Eh

so nExt tym na lng

lab ya sis


uN Lng

moRe piCs in mY muLtipLY

------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- sEpteMber updaTe
SmurF bLoged oN Tuesday, November 01, 2005

ubEr ubEr laTe na updaTe for tHe monTh of SepteMber
beSt thiNg thaT haPpened nuNg sepT eH
iT waS totaLLy unexpectEd
pero haiiiiii
mabuhaY aNg beLuga whaLe
saLi riN me impRomtu speeCh
1sT me
kuNg d ko ba naMan kSe iniyaKan aT minaSs ng 5 besEs eH
bEfore kSe nuN eH RETREAT
saya saya riN
learned aLot
LearnEd aLot na Lng
un Lng
pics sa muLtipLy ko
saLi rin nga pLa me
DeBate para ESM
cLoniNg topIc
taLo kami
pero saya Saya na riN
aNo pa ba
aLa na aTa
tagaL tagaL na nuN eH

------------------------------------ -------------------------------------