waLa Lng
haD the suDden urGe to maKe such a poSt
was reading caNdy maG the oTher daY kse
aNd the guys there were totaLLy sweet
aNd waS reaDing tyM mag juSt a whiLe aGo
it waS aboUt how meN are becoMing more vaiN thaN woMEn
aLL for the maiN purpOse that that's whaT woMen wanT
aNd it got me thiNking
waT do i liKe in a guY
1. He haS to be God FeariNg
in aNy enDeavour he induLgeS in,
no maTter how compLex,nerve wreckiNg, peTTy or futiLe it maY be
he seeS to it thaT it is w/in goD's wiLL
2. He haS to bE fuNNy
knoWs how to maKe her LauGh
aNd knoWs how to Lift a girL's spirit uP wheN she'S doWn
makes Life eaSier to live in/with
3. hE haS to be inteLLigenT
noT aLbert einstein smart
must knOw whaT he geTs himseLf inTo
muSt knOW rigHt froM wroNg
what shoULd be aNd shouLdnt be
caN thiNk for himseLf
aNd doeS not eaSiLy geT infLuenced
4. he musT knOW how to makE a girL feeL speciaL
doeS effort to geT noticeD
too mucH is showiNg off aNd too LittLe caNnot be accepTed
doeS it eveN wheN there'S no reaSon to do sO
doEs noT do it just to impress
doeS it simPLy becauSe the girL is speciaL
5. he muSt kNow how to LisTeN
ListeNs and not onLy hears
doeS not taLk abouT himseLf much
conSiders how you or otherS feeL
6. he mUSt be neaT and weLL groOmeD
bsta maLinis
aYaw ko naMan yuNg dugyOt noH
wiLLing to geT manicuRes and pedicuRes
spaS, maSsaGes, aNd go shoPPing
+ poinTs:
(not necessary but are turN onS)
~haS bracEs~
ewaN ko
recentLy beeN cruShing on peoPLe who have braCes eH
~nagseServe or sincerE n maG praY~
it maKes him Look nicEr eH
~kweLa na maY paGkasutiL~
~caN driVe~
~coMputer LiteraTe or tecHY tyPe of pErSOn~
~caN daNce aNd siNg~
i'LL chaNGe or aDd
if ever maGbaGo