it waS decEmBer
anD it didNT feeL muCh LikE deCemBer
kSe foR onE thiNg no XmaS breaK
you couLdnt notiCe that it waS coLd siNCe praCtice fieLd deMO
(aS iF naMan nainitaN ako....har har)
maraMi naNgyari
pEro noNe worTH reMemBeriNg
bSta haNggang 23 maY paSok kamI
ouR vacatioN waS onLy for 2 daYs
you couLdnt aCtuaLLy coNsider it aS vacatioN
siNCe 24 and 25 waS on a weeKeND
(and theY caLL iT xmaS breaK???)
habaNg naGeenJoy aNd lahaT LahaT na maGbakaSyoN
we were aLL worKinG ouR buTts ouT LikE iGOr
weLL aTLeaSt i knoW i diD
aNg guLiBLe ko kse
kuNg sinabi na maY kLase
dadaLa ko LahaT gamiT ko
onLy to fiND ouT
prakTis Lng pLa
tsk tsk
waS ouR xmaS parteee
waSnt muCh fuN
woRe thIS bubBLE skirT thaT my SisTEr bouGht foR me
thoUgh agaiNsT my wiLL
siNCe i thouGht it waS too shOrT
i woRe iT
cuTe namaN daW
heLL i care
hehehe kiDding
iT waSnT muCh of a pArtee
siNCe we spEnt it ouTsiDe the audi
took us haLf of the mORning to geT reaDy
soMe parts haD to be repeaTed
siNce otherS wer too far
aND siSter doubTed if the were into the fesTivitiEs
sO by the tiME we goT on with the proGraM
guTom na LahaT!!!
so we aTe
goDdaMmiT bitin
aFter the muCh proTest thaT i diD
about oNe biLAo of maLaboN and panCiT wonT be enouGh
i waS proVen to be rigHT
sinCe by the eNd oF the fuD getting
noNE waS Left foR ouR cLaSs preS
aNd to think ininvyt pa namin teaCHers
tsk tsk
so we aTe LittLe
waS so yagiT LooKing as we starEd at the oThers tabLe
aNd begged for sOme
seryoSo toH
kawawa kami
weLL ok Lng
haD fuN na rin
jEss tiN aNd i distribuTEd oUR giFts to teaChers
anD theY Liked it
so bawi poinTs kami
har har
speNt thaT weekeNd in maNiLa
wiTh my famiLy
whiLe theY taLked aboUt theiR "to Do's"
thiS xmaS breaK
i waS ForCed to ListEn
natuLoG akO
aND wHEn i woKE uP
paSko na pLa
majoR migraNe
aS ouR famiLy traDiTion
the Tito's aND tita's wouLd siT on a chair
(the mOSt coMfortabLe one preferabLy)
to haNd ouT our pamaSkos
whiLe we, the pamangkins anD inaanaKs anD aPos, wouLd LiNE uP
at LahaT na ng kadugaSan sa muNdo ay mawiwitnEss d2
cuTTing in LinE
LiNing uP agaiN
pretenDing to be aN inaaNak
at marami paNg iba
kaunTi Lng nakuha ko thiS yeaR
buT it diDnt maTTer to me thoUgh
i juSt waNted to Enjoi everY momEnt of that xmaS
afTEr thaT we oPened giFts
tHEn in the eveniNg
weNt to my cuZzinS pLace
pIC piC with te ja and ate shie
taS pinaNood ko maG puSoy cuzZins ko
taS sumakiT na naMan uLo
tsk tsk
gotta get it checKed
waLa na aTa LamaN
har har
we haD cLasseS
buT aS aNy tamaD cuTe LooKing fiLipina woULd do
i diDnt go
for oNE thiNg i didNT wanT to makE byahE oN xmaS daY nOh
un na un
exactoNg kararatiNg Lng namin
haD to movE faSt
since ppasoK pa ko
weNt to maSs in my gaLa
siNCe maGooFFer kami
thEy saId i LooKed LiKE a kinDer reaDy foR graduatioN
tsk tsk
ok lng
pareho kami ni kat
thE onE we had to oFFer waS so hoT
aS in
to the max
you gEt the poinT
taS we were aSk to be coLLectoRs
bwisiT na heLLo kiTTy
sabi ibigaY namin sa mga nuNs
d paLa dpaT
napaawaY pa aKo sa iSa sa kaniLa
tsk tsk
weLL aFter the maSs
i sLepT na aT hoMe
whoLe aFternoOn
fiELD deMo
couLdnT beLievE St paUL
rain oR shiNE
puSh throuGh pariN sa LahaT ng actiVitiEs
haD oUR fieLd deMo
sinCe nOn fiELd kami ni jEss
naGbasa Lng kami
(how we Got the part:
nung naLamaN na namin poSitionS namin
deretSyo kami agaD ser Rob
"ser caN we be the oNEs to reaD during the paSamasiD"
ouR kakapaLan paid oFF)
waLang siLent driLL
firSt tym in History
in thE aftErnOOn
sLepT uLiT
in the evenIng weNt to waTch SouND of muSic
wiTh aTE ja
aFter barry aNd eLdon's parts
we Left na
we weNt to caFe uNo
wiTh aTe macy aNd aTe barbie
gLug gLug
then wenT hoMe
waTched circuS aT skuL
wenT home riN agaD
to geT reaDy for the fasHion shOW
w/c was
didnT expEct it to be thaT Long
kse namaN noH
1 ouTfiT
3 timEs na LaLabaS
suReLy 2 wud be enouGh
so uN
everything that i thought woUld haPpen duRing the CenteniaL cLosing
ngauN januaRy na
new yeaR spEnt in maniLa
bakaSyon namin
waLa kaming kasabaY siNce LahaT maY paSok na
kami kami na nga Lng maG gagaLa
tSk tSk
....SiGn ouT....